Just discovered Cesium now, and wonder if it possible to take various chunks of similar topography and stitch them together seamlessly to make a custom open world based on various real world snippets.
And is there a list of all possible sources of data?
Yes, if you have a bunch of different heightmaps, you can use Cesium ion to make a tileset which is a mosaic of all of them.
And is there a list of all possible sources of data?
Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean possible types of data? This page might help with that:
Note that CZML, GeoJSON, and KML are not currently natively supported in Cesium for Unreal.
Not sure where to get the data from. Like Google Maps API demands on-screen attribution, which I think is ugly…and pulls a viewer out of the intended experience.
So Im trying to figure out best way to attain mosaic tile set like you say, mixed with realistic textured buildings and terrain, with proper credits post-show.
Does that mean I should pick different platform for best Cesium results?
Google’s data is special. It’s probably measured in petabytes and cost them who knows how many millions of dollars to collect, process, and serve. Unless you have very deep pockets, you’re not going to assemble something like that yourself. I don’t love the attribution requirements either, but honestly it’s a small price to pay for such data.
If you only need a small area, you can potentially hire a company like Aerometrex to create a 3D model for you. A few cities around the world have open data 3D models, of varying quality. You might get lucky.
Does that mean I should pick different platform for best Cesium results?
That depends: do you need those features? CesiumJS is the only one of our clients that currently supports them.