Terrain Push Problems

I hava found a TerrainPush js in github,but it is just support cesium 1.2.I think the TerrainPush is a very useful tool to show the pipeline underground。so I want to know ,is there any other methods to show the pipelines underground?
the TerrainPush Photos shows below:


This is a feature that we would like to add to Cesium eventually, but I don’t think it will be in the immediate future.

I don’t believe the terrain push plugin is being actively developed. Since the code is open source, you could try updating it to the latest version of Cesium. I’m here to answer questions if you run into trouble.



Hi,Hannah,thanks for your reply,I know the terrain push plugin has been two years without maintenance.If I have free time,I’ll try to do this ,thanks again.

在 2016年6月21日星期二 UTC+8下午9:33:14,Hannah Pinkos写道: