As it shows, the image texture of wall is not correctly display in part. Green part looks correct, and red part looks incorrect.
The sandcastle code as follows:
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", { infoBox: false });
var entities = viewer.entities;
var points = [
// test case
113.07496814748878, 36.55374866768215, 100,
113.08061718310943, 36.55380171367157, 100,
113.08060212629119, 36.55303212176819, 100,
113.08161112459593, 36.55304123289039, 100,
113.08150398573808, 36.55836174343265, 100,
113.08058233717055, 36.5583527998272, 100,
113.08057594475674, 36.55910995686964, 100,
113.07492193714143, 36.55909080361859, 100,
113.07496814748878, 36.55374866768215, 100,
wall: {
positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(points),
material: new Cesium.ImageMaterialProperty({
image: '../images/Cesium_Logo_Color.jpg',
repeat: new Cesium.Cartesian2(10, 1),
outline: true,
Could someone tell me is this a bug of Cesium or something is wrong with my code?