The problem of cesium in ndisplay project

My English is not good. I have solved the problem of compilation conflict between cesium and ndisplay on ndisplay. A new problem comes. Ndisplay multi screen output starts the program packaged by cesium, and the flash back crashes. I suspect that there is a conflict between the rendering mechanism of cesium camera and ndisplay, and multiple cesium programs cannot be started.

Hello @songhua ,

…, and multiple cesium programs cannot be started.

Does nDisplay start multiple separate application instances, one for each screen? If that’s the case you may be running into the cache database locking due to multiple applications attempting to read / write at once. I’m still not sure that explains the crash though.

Can you provide any more details like logs, stacktraces, etc? We have not tried to use nDisplay with Cesium for Unreal so far, but it sounds like a cool use case!


Thank you. The problem has been solved. There is a problem with the previously modified source code. I have modified it again.

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