Cesium use with UE5.4 and nDisplay


My team is looking to use Cesium to aid our environment creation for an upcoming production. In UE5.2 we ran into issues with cesium over nDisplay with the size of the streaming the world over multiple PC’s. I’m sure there’s a way around this that we’ve not figured out as we only want small sections for specific shots. How compatible is cesium with nDisplay in 5.4 when using 10+ PC’s at once?

Hi @Jason_Timm, welcome to the community!

Unfortunately I don’t know the answer to your question. We’ve heard of people using Cesium for Unreal successfully with nDisplay, but I can’t say for sure if 10+ PCs would create a new problem or not. What sort of problems did you run into in UE 5.2?

It was just the size of what we’re streaming being to much to stream from the cloud. Can we choose to just stream specific areas to reduce the size

Cesium for Unreal and 3D Tiles download the detail necessary for your view (including resolution). You can download less data by reducing the resolution, but limiting to specific areas won’t help much, if at all. The detail in the distance is already drastically reduced - the vast majority of the data required is in the foreground - so eliminating it entirely creates artifacts (e.g., missing mountains in the distance) without significantly reducing the amount of data that is required.

If you want to reduce resolution / quality, try increasing the Maximum Screen Space Error property.