OK, this looks like a tricky one…
First, an unrelated aside: I noticed that this tileset very prominently shows an issue in CesiumJS, namely, certain tiles/models disappearing, depending on the view direction. I added a comment in this issue where this is tracked.
About the rendering in Cesium For Unreal:
I haven’t tested this locally, but it strongly looks like there is something wrong with the transforms in general. Specifically, it looks like some of these … round things … (I’ll just call them “basins” now, for lack of a better word) are not shown at all. And when zooming closely into the screenshot, one can see that one of these basins seems to be at least at a slightly wrong position:
About the rendering in CesiumJS:
When zooming to these basins then it does not necessarily look “wrong”:
One could think that these basins simply do have different colors/materials.
But now comes the interesting part:
These are just different instances of the same model! They are instantiated via an I3DM.
- The right group of 2x2 basins are four instances of the same GLB, where two of these rectangular thingies appear exactly opposite of each other
- The left group of 2x2 basins are four instances the same GLB, where none of these rectangular thingies appear exactly opposite of each other
This means that one could explain differences between the left 2x2 group and the right 2x2 group. But within these groups, these are the exact same model!
Looking at the respective GLB files:
One can see that they are not really soooo different, visually. This confirms that the different appearances in CesiumJS are not caused by different materials. They are only caused by the different instance transforms that these models have in the I3DM data.
I have not yet looked at the I3DM data. But there are some “obvious” candidates for the source of this problem. Likely, something related to a ~“scaling factor of -1.0”, somewhere…