[2024-07-23 23:19:42.469] [error] [ErrorList.h:72] Errors when loading tileset:
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Reinterop.ReinteropInitializer:UnityEngine_Debug_CallLog_FA05wu8x__otZNsgdHTnU9A (intptr) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.cesium.unity@3ddf440e75ed/Runtime/generated/Reinterop/Reinterop.RoslynSourceGenerator/ReinteropInitializer.cs:61421)
Reinterop.ReinteropInitializer/CallbackFunctionNativeFunction:Invoke () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.cesium.unity@3ddf440e75ed/Runtime/generated/Reinterop/Reinterop.RoslynSourceGenerator/ReinteropInitializer.cs:60687)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions ()
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Hi @abhinavparupati and @fedc6af0024c, welcome to the community!
@abhinavparupati, where did your API key come from? My first guess is that perhaps it is not set up to allow access to the Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles.
@fedc6af0024c, your problem looks different. When does this error occur?
Api key from map tiles api from Google cloud
@Kevin_Ring Thanks for your reply.
I also found a similar situation in this post, but he requested cesium api, I think this seems to be related to Google.
Later I set up the reverse proxy and it worked normally.
proxy_set_header Host tile.googleapis.com;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
But if I don’t use reverse proxy, I directly use https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=MYKEYS ,still get ssl connection errors
@Kevin_Ring Thanks for your replay.
I found that using Google 3d tiles for web demos, seems to work fine,
once I initiate access using cesium unity, I get ssl connection errors, then I try to connect using the nginx reverse proxy, and I see in the logs that it seems that initiating a request for the domain name changes to a request for the ip,
and I copy the request address to open it in my browser, and I get the ssl error, when I click continue access, I get a 404 error,

(this error is recent, my cesium unity program has been working well for a long time, I suspect some changes to Google’s interface, but would appreciate your help in looking at it, thank you very much)
Hi @fedc6af0024c, I’m not really sure what to make of that. Google’s server’s certificate is valid by all accounts, so I think you need to work out why your particular system disagrees. Perhaps you’re running a very old OS that doesn’t have knowledge of newer certificate authorities? Or you or your administrator have customized the list of trusted CAs? Or your network has a man-in-the-middle security device that is rewriting certificates, and Unity doesn’t trust the certificate it provides?
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i got Api key from map tiles api from Google cloud
Has anyone been able to solve this and how please, I’m having this error
[2024-09-14 15:56:56.150] [error] [ErrorList.h:72] Errors when loading tileset:
Hi @Mariam_Yusuff, welcome to the community!
The best way to diagnose this is to visit the tileset URL in a web browser. If there is an error, you should be able to see the text of it, which will hopefully give you a hint about what is wrong. If you see an error but aren’t sure what it means, post it here and maybe we can help.
One thing that jumps out at me is that you’re missing .json from the end of the URL. The URL should be:
https://tile.googleapis.com/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=[my api key]