We’re working on a Digital Twin project using Unity 3D. The project seems to run fine on the system. Once we build and run it on Mac, nothing loads from Cesium. We’ve found out through our research that the issue is caused by SSL certificate.
Attached the reference image below for your reference.
Please let us know how we can troubleshoot this issue.
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I’m not sure why that would happen. Does your Mac have a custom certificate setup? Or is it connected to a network that transparently replaces certificates in order to do deep packet inspection or somesuch? I’m not aware of any reason that a stock Mac wouldn’t be able to trust the certificate returned by api.cesium.com.
Looking it up, it seems like it’s some sort of TLS 1.3 error that occurs on macs: Webrequest fails with Curl error 60: Cert verify failed: UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_USER_ERROR1 - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions. People report a whole bunch of solutions, including upgrading Unity, using a different domain name in the URL (I believe you could try out https://api.ion.cesium.com/ and see if that changes anything), putting the port in the URL… nothing seems solid though.