Cannot install Cesium for Unity on macOS

macOS 15.1.1, Unity 6 (6000.0.26f1)
I’m following the Quick Start tutorial. When I get to step 1.7, I see Cesium for Unity in the Package Manager, but clicking install produces this error:

[Package Manager Window] Error adding package: com.cesium.unity@1.14.0.
unable to get local issuer certificate
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Editor/Mono/EditorApplication.cs:385)

Can you tell me what’s going wrong here?


Hi @pixelpshr,
I’m not sure what would cause that. The package itself is download from GitHub, specifically this link:

Is it possible that your system or network is blocking access to that URL?

I can get to the site and download that tarball. However, if Unity does any internal redirects or uses non-standard ports, then it is likely that our network is blocking.
Is there any way to have Unity load the package from the downloaded tgz file rather than reaching out to the server?

Is there any way to have Unity load the package from the downloaded tgz file rather than reaching out to the server?

Sure, you can do that right from the Unity Package Manager:

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Thank you! I was able to install the Cesium package from the tarball. Now to start playing with it!