Tile Rendering Radius

The concept here is pretty simple.
I am trying to render parts of a cesium scene with my own camera but the dynamic pawn does not follow this render cam.

So what happens is the render cam rotates and then the rendered image barely has any usable geometry since the dynamic pawn is no longer looking in that direction.

I wonder if there is a way to render tiles in 360 rather than just what the dynamic pawn sees?
I need to render the full 360. not just a chunk.

If you want to render tiles from a specific view location but without regard to the view frustum (that is, don’t consider which way the camera is facing), you can turn off “Enable Frustum Culling” on the tileset. To get consistent level-of-detail for the parts of the scene inside and outside the frustum, you should also set “Enforce Culled Screen Space Error” to true and “Culled Screen Space Error” to the same value as “Maximum Screen Space Error” (Default: 16). Note that doing this will reduce performance as more tiles will need to be loaded and rendered.

Another possibility is to use the Blueprint or C++ API on the CesiumCameraManager Actor to provide Cesium for Unreal with a virtual camera that accurately reflects the
area your application is viewing. This may be more work than the above, but should give you better performance.

@Kevin_Ring thank you so much!
that totally fixed it haha. damn, I spent all day trying to hack my way around it only to check a box and it works lol.

thanks again!