Increase frustrum culling tolerance?

Hey everyone,

I’m developing a VR flight sim using unity and I’ve noticed that tiles are often getting culled right at the edge of my vision. Is there a way that I can increase the tolerance so that Cesium will only start culling tiles that are further away from the edge of the frustrum?

I don’t want to disable frustrum culling entirely as it’s really helping performance. I’ve found a few threads that discuss the topic, but most are for Unreal. What is there for Unity is rather outdated. I figured I would ask just in case some solution has come up in recent months.


Same issue here.

Hi @mtor_nav, welcome to the community!

Usually, Cesium won’t try to cull tiles that are partially in the frustum. So it sounds like there is something about the camera in VR that isn’t being correctly passed through Cesium. Do you mind sharing screenshots of the culling you’re seeing?

It would also help to have the following information:

  • What device are you running the application on? (e.g. Quest 2)
  • What does your camera setup look like? (Pasting a screenshot works)
  • What VR rendering mode are you using in your project? (For example, are you using instanced stereo rendering?)

I have suspicions of what might be the problem, but I’d like the additional information to confirm. Thank you!

Thanks! Glad to be here.

  1. We’re running our sim on a Varjo XR3. This headset does contain multiple screens, which might be part of the issue.
  2. Camera setup is as follows:

Inspector view

Hierarchy view

  1. Varjo settings are as follows: