Hi all,
im working on a cesium app to display moderately sized, but very high resolution architectural photoscans and need those models to have lighting and other PBR properties.
Due to their size I opted to use them as tiled models in Cesium Ion, and I’m uploading them as .glb with PBR materials (exported from blender).
But with the standard 3D Capture tiling format the model looses all the PBR properties and therefore the lighting too.
3D Capture tiling
I also tried to tile the model with the 3D model tiling option, which preserves the PBR properties but looses nearly all texture resolution:
3D Model tiling
In comparison to that here is the same model with the Capture tiling method (I used the provided sample model and upscaled the texture to 8K and added the writing for illustration)
3D Capture tiling
Is there a way to have a tiled 3D model with PBR lighting and good texture Quality?
Having a non tiled model is taking way to long to load in and also consumes too much performance.
Thank you in advance