Hi there,
first off awesome work on the Cesium project, it looks really great from my limited experience so far.
I am trying to visualise a polygon that changes over time, and needs to be draped over the terrain.
I have managed to get a single polygon to 'pseudo' drape by using the Cesium.sampleTerrain() function for each of the vertices, which works fine when i create the polygon myself in javascript using the Cesium.GeometryInstance() and adding it to the scene.primitives, but i can't find any examples of adding the time intervals to the geometry for changing the poly with the time slider.
Further, using CZML i can show the polys changing over time by putting the appropriate interval value in the show attribute, but then i lose the ability to use sampleTerrain() to redefine the heights, and even if i iterate over the vertices added by the CZML, i cannot seem to apply the perPositionHeight: true attribute which is necessary.