1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.
When I use tracked entity of modified 3D aircraft model, the camera doesn’t look exacty towards the center of the entity.
2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.
viewer.trackedEntity = entity;
I uploaded a modified model that you can use to see the problem.
This example of the SandCastle is a good example to the probleme with my model :
3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.
I need to use Cesium.HeadingPitchRoll on aircraft models. According the documentation, the modeles have to be X axis orientated.
I found these aircraft models (https://github.com/kalmykov/fr24-3d-models). As they are all Y axis orientated, I had to edit them to apply a 90° rotation so that they become X axis orientated. I succeeded to do that with Blender, by importing .dae files, rotating models, exporting models in .dae with the option X axis orientated and converting the .dae in .glb with collada2glb-bin.exe.
With the orginal models, I can zoom towards the tracked entities and I can see the target is the origin the model (perfectly centered).
With my modified models, if I zoom toward the tracked entities, I can see the target is a point that is in the fuselage but slighty to the left of the origin !
4. The Cesium version you’re using, your operating system and browser.
CESIUM 1.57, Windows 7 , Chrome
Thank you
e170_ok_6.glb (1.4 MB)