Fatal error
[File:E:ue5\5.1\newue5.1\UnrealEngine-5.1\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Privatel\Templates\Casts.cpp] [Line: 10]
Cast of Cesium3DTileset
Game/Test/OpenWorld4/NewMap4.NewMap4:PersistentLevel.Cesium3DTileset_AID_D85ED359AEFACB6B01_1397881888 to MetaData failed
Maybe WorldPartiton and CesiumForUnreal can work together well,however i have some problem can’t solve, Some puzzlement about big terrain: Cesium has been a earth level, then big terrain based on WorldPartiton?emmm
Like Cesium3DTile is not a entity object in unreal, so output log:
LogWorldPartition: Actor /Game/Test/OpenWorld4/NewMap4.NewMap4:PersistentLevel.Cesium3DTileset_UAID_D85ED359AEFAE36B01_1115473107 is unreachable without properly detaching object /Game/ExternalActors/Test/OpenWorld4/NewMap4/7/TA/D6CY3VPUZCJM6A4RHDTA1Y.PackageMetaData in it package
@yuan1405 Cesium for Unreal does not currently support World Partition. I don’t think it makes very much sense to let world partition manage the world overall, because it is inherently based on a 2D grid, and the Earth is round. But there may be some ways to apply it that do make sense, such as using it to manage a sub-level in a particular local area. We have several issues related to this, and plan to dig deeper soon: