Unable to reliably render sequence to file

The only thing in the scene so far is the Cesium terrain, a camera, and a level sequence. As such, the entire scene is under 50 kb uncompressed, so I can just upload the whole thing:
Content.zip (13.4 KB)
I did reduce the minimum screen space error to reduce texture pop in, but the render wasn’t working properly at the default 16 either.

For render settings, I am attempting to output 4K (3840 x 2160) with tiling set to 3. I have motion blur overrides set, but it doesn’t seem to matter on my end what I set them to; they affect how long each frame takes to render but not whether the render will complete or not.

System specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
RAM: 32 gb DDR4 3000

Thank you for your time on this.