Hi @RidhwanAziz and @Dan,
I tested out using a large DEM file to set the height to 0, and it seems to work fairly well for creating a basic ellipsoid. If you’d like to do the same while you wait for full support, you can use this file:
DEM0.zip (100.0 KB)
Unzip the file, and upload the DEM0.tif file to Cesium ion. Use the following settings:
- Select the Raster Terrain option for “What kind of data is this?”
- select Mean Sea Level as the base terrain
- Height Unit and Height Reference can be left on Auto Detect
Once it’s uploaded and tiled, you can add it to your scene in Unreal. You’ll need to add an imagery overlay like Bing Maps Raster Overlay to it as well - you can copy the component from Cesium World Terrain, then delete Cesium World Terrain.
If you do this, just keep in mind that I haven’t tested it exhaustively and there may be unforeseen issues. Also, this approach may not be compatible with our future implementation of an MSL ellipsoid - so just use caution if you’re building an application using this.
As always, we love to see what the community creates! If you create anything cool that you’d like to share, you can always message me, post it on the forum, or tweet it @CesiumJS.