I have a project in unreal engine. And i use Cesium there and used the Bing Area and adjusted the Origin Latitude, Origin Longitude and the Origin Height to my needs. I copied the cordinates from google maps. But the downloaded map isnt flat. How can i change this? Its important for me to get this working. Can anyone help me maybe?
Hi @Cry4Pizza, welcome to the community!
Am I understanding you correctly that you don’t want terrain at all?
If I have that right, are you looking for the Earth to be a smooth ellipsoid, or a 2D plane?
If you want a smooth ellipsoid, that is possible today by uploading a blank (all heights 0.0) GeoTIFF heightmap to Cesium ion, and choosing that as your terrain source instead of Cesium World Terrain. We hope to make it easier in the future by porting this community contribution for Cesium for Unity over to Unreal:
If you’re looking for a 2D plane, we currently do not have any plans to support that.
@Kevin_Ring I followed this tutorial to create a GeoTIFF heightmap:
And imported the file afterwards in Cesium so i can use it in the Unreal Editor. But afterwards the map still is not flat. Sadly i cant upload a new screenshot.
I just want my terrain completley flat (see my screenshot above)
Your screenshot shows some mountains, but it doesn’t answer my question about what your definition of “flat” is.
Also i dont know what you mean with height 0.0 and where i have to set that
This is something you would have done when creating the heightmap in QGIS, not when importing it into Cesium ion. If you imported real terrain data, that is of course going to have nonzero heights, because the real world has nonzero heights.
But this documentation isnt up to date as i dont have any: Adjust Tileset Location button on My Assets Page.
This button doesn’t apply to Terrain assets created from a GeoTIFF.
By flat, I mean that the map should be completely flat. So no mountains, and no high roads. Everything should be flat.
I understand you don’t want mountains, that part is clear. Perhaps you didn’t see my question earlier?
Are you looking for the Earth to be a smooth ellipsoid, or a 2D plane?
Both are “flat”. But in the first, the Earth is round, roughly spherical. In the second, the Earth is a plane, like a 2D map.
I can’t provide screenshots for features that haven’t been implemented. But as I said in my first post, if you’re looking for a 2D plane, we currently do not have any plans to support that.
If you want to try out the ellipsoid (round) Earth approach, I also provided some guidance for that in my first and second posts. If you try it and run into trouble, let us know where you got to and we may be able to help.
I already tryed that with creating my highmap in QGIS. But my map still, wasnt flat and had high mountains. Maybe i set the hight at the wrong place. But i never worked with this tool before.
Yeah unfortunately I haven’t used QGIS enough to give you step-by-step instructions for how to do this either. Essentially, you want to create a new, empty GeoTIFF file. Not import any existing terrain or anything like that.
Perhaps someone else here can provide more detailed instructions?