How to have a flat terrain?

I use the terrain of Cesium, he has ups and downs, and the ups and downs are not accurate. I need a flat terrain. I want to upload a custom terrain. What format should I upload?

I saw that in Ion’s Stories, the “WGS84 Ellipsoid” terrain can be selected. How to use it in unreal?

In other words, how do I upload terrain data to Ion? Such as what format is needed…

Hi @Xiaoguang,

This page should help you with the formats required for terrain data: Tiler Data Types and Formats – Cesium

I’m looking in to your point about the WGS84 Ellipsoid - It would be helpful to be able to use that in Unreal, so I’ll get back to you if I learn anything on that front.


Hi @Xiaoguang,

Apologies for not following up sooner. We are looking in to a solution to allow people to use a WGS84 Ellipsoid in Cesium for Unreal instead of Cesium World Terrain. In the meantime, this post might help you if you are still looking for an answer to this question: Cesium World Terrain - #10 by agallegos


Old thread, but updating for future’s sake.

Support for WGS84 ellipsoid terrain has been added to Cesium for Unreal. It will be available in the next release!