Can I use the new 1.10 property Billboard.heightReference inside CZML file?.
Thanks in advanced:
Can I use the new 1.10 property Billboard.heightReference inside CZML file?.
Thanks in advanced:
We expect that to be part of the 1.11 release in a few weeks.
Great!, I wait for next version.
I download the new 1.11 version, can I use in this version the property Billboard.heightReference inside CZML file?.
Unfortunately that functionality didn’t make it into the 1.11 release, there are some unexpected problems that need to be worked out before we can bring everything into master. You can try using the entity-clamp-to-ground branch in the mean time if you’d like to use the feature before it’s officially part of a Cesium release.
Hello, is this functionality available at 1.16 version ?
Thanks in advanced.
Sorry, it looks like it might be a while before any of the height reference functionality makes it up through the entities layer to support CZML. There are some other changes that need to be made, and we might wait until we have support for other data types so we can make the changes all at once instead of only for the billboards.
It is important to have heightReference available in the Entity API. After surprisingly discovering yesterday it isn’t supported and considering there’s no support for groundPrimitives also, I don’t know whether should I switch to the Primitive API or wait for this feature to be added.
Any progress on it towards 1.17 or 1.18?
Hi Mati,
It is likely that we’ll have support for this within the next year, but unlikely that it will be in the next three months. So depending on your timeline, you might want to switch to the Primitive API for now.
Also, see this explanation for why supporting this at the Entity API level is harder than it sounds:
If you need other features that the Entity API offers that the Primitive API doesn’t, you’ll run into similar problems.
Thanks you both for making it clear. Although it will make my code more complicated, I guess there’s no way around but to go with the Primitive API.