using Cesium3DTileset.fromUrl(url,{enableCollision:true}),error:sourceOffset + length must be less than the buffers size.

like this DeveloperError: sourceOffset + length must be less than the buffers size

when i use below to load b3dm tiles,
const tileset = await Cesium.Cesium3DTileset.fromUrl(config.url, {
enableCollision: true,
I find if set enableCollision true to make some point show on the tiles(using CLAMP_TO_GROUND property),with the camera zoom in,it will get an error

if i set maximumScreenSpaceError to 1,the error will appear at the begining;
i try to fix it from the souce code,but it is hard for me to do it
can you help solve it?

cesium 1.116
mac chorme