Vector shape layers in unity

I want to add vector data like shape layers to the cesium terrain, please provide some solution for it, specially in case of mountainous regions where the layer should properly drape on the mountain terrain


I can say 2 solutions.

  1. raster on terrain.
    set up Geoserver and PostgreSQL + PostGIS atfer that import shp file then you can load wms raster layer with wms component in Cesium for Unity.

  2. Implementing vetor data rendering on terrain in Unity.
    check the thread I wrote. Introducing vetor data rendering on terrain in Unity

I hope these can help you. and I too also want to know there is other new way to visualize shp data.

if you are interested in technique of Unreal. this might be interesting thread. How to use vector data?kml;shp - #8 by gnomusy