We are seeing shimmering cracks between tiles only on Android

Hi @carlrealvr,

Apologies for the delay. Our team has been busy trying to get ready for the release next week.

For LOD loading issues, it would help if you could share more of what you’re seeing. Having a zoomed out image of the LOD disparities, as well as a screenshot of your tileset’s settings, would be helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

Some of the settings, such as Preload Ancestors, Preload Siblings, and Forbid Holes are going to cause more tiles to be loaded, so LODs may take longer to pop in. Additionally, if you have increased Maximum Simultaneous Tile Loads, the tiles will generally take longer to appear in. Reducing that number can help those LOD switches appear more quickly.

Also is there perhaps a way that as you get distant from Earth all the tiles are in the same LOD/quality ie to stop unloading the tiles?

The nature of 3D Tiles involves selecting LODs based on the geometry’s distance from the camera. So unfortunately, the selection algorithm can’t be forced to load the same LOD and disregard the distance. You could try using the Suspend Update setting to stop the tileset from further changing the LODs, but if you player ever moves to the other side of the Earth, you’d have to disable this setting so tiles on the other side can load. Perhaps you could dynamically adjust the Maximum Screen Space Error to affect what tiles are prompted to show.

[quote=“carlrealvr, post:19, topic:34861”]

@Kevin_Ring we have already attached the images above, not sure why you asked us to repost? We’re just looking for a way to address this:

we’re still seeing other issues related to loading of the tiles: When we fly high and look down to earth, two tiles aren’t loading the same LODs for some reason and it’s not distance related (ie, could happen right below or at a distance). It doesn’t even try to refine it unless you rotate head to unload and reload and then sometimes it gets unstuck. Notice the stark lines with zigzags that occur at the seam of tiles of different LODs, it’s really bad… How can we fix allt this? Also is there perhaps a way that as you get distant from Earth all the tiles are in the same LOD/quality ie to stop unloading the tiles?

We’re not using ancestors/siblings, and we’re already forbidding holes and that’s not the issue. We realize it’s not ideal to load everything in the same LOD at a distance, however, we’re not sure how to address the imperfections you see at the seams of the tiles. @Kevin_Ring can we please address this?

@carlrealvr, first of all, can I kindly ask you to treat Janine with a bit more respect? Janine is a core developer on the team and an expert in Cesium for Unreal. Not to mention more patient and helpful than I am.

Now, for your new problem, I’m really not sure what to make of that. Having two tiles with different LODs adjacent to each other is normal and unavoidable. However, if you’re seeing tiles failing to refine based on distance, then something is wrong. That’s not behavior we usually see, and I understand that you have made quite a lot of customizations to the plugin at this point. So one possibility is that something you’ve changed has caused that, in which case it’s going to be hard for us to guess what it might be. If you can tell us how to reproduce this problem with a stock version of the plugin, and preferably with the Cesium for Unreal Samples project, then we can definitely take a look.

Thank you, Kevin, for your response and for highlighting Janine’s expertise and contributions. I definitely understand the value she brings to the team, and I appreciate your support of her.

Regarding the issue at hand, I recognize that our customizations might be contributing to the challenge, which does make it more difficult for you to troubleshoot. I’ll work on simplifying the setup and will see if I can reproduce the problem with the stock plugin or the Cesium for Unreal Samples project. If I manage to isolate the issue there, I’ll reach out again with more details.

Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate the time and input from both of you.

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