I need to be able to display a WMS layer, and as of Cesium for Unreal plugin updated on 1 April 2022, we are able to add this component to the 3D tileset.
I want to be able to display dataset from WMS, so for testing I picked up a few, but got the following error:
[error] [RasterOverlay.cpp:145] Web map service XML document does not have a Service element
The URL I used are:
https://service.pdok.nl/lv/bag/wms/v2_0?request=getCapabilities&service=WMS with layer
https://data.3dbag.nl/api/BAG3D_v2/wms?request=getcapabilities&service=WMS with layer
I get the same error with both the URL, however both work well when loaded in QGIS.
Is there something I am missing?