What Cesium for Unreal tutorials do you want to see?

Hello, Its 2 weeks I’m trying to get an up-to-date map of my city but I can’t, Cesium satellite imagery which I assume is from Bing, Its for the past 2-3 years… I can’t seem to be able to find any single way to fix it or change the tile image source, the imagery is too old in my neighborhood which makes cesium completely useless for me so now I’m trying to import map data single-handedly by downloading it peace by peace, Makes me sad not using Cesium. Please if there is a way to use newer imagery or if it is already one and I can’t find it LET US KNOW… I use UE5 but for cesium I’m using 4.27, If there is a way to get 2021 - 2022 imagery for the cesium globe then I can use it on the company project, it’s important

Hi @Devlogerio,

If you have access to up-to-date imagery for the area you’re interested in (as one or more GeoTIFFs, for example), you can upload it to Cesium ion and ion will tile it and make it super easy to import into Cesium for Unreal as a raster overlay.

This guide explains how to get your imagery into Cesium ion:

Once the imagery exists on ion, simply click the Add button on the Cesium panel, find the imagery asset your just created, and click the button to drape it on top of the Bing imagery.



Hi, can we have a tutorial covering how we can replicate the water in 08_cesiumclipping, please?
I think something is missing from my setup/understanding, my polygon is not clipping the custom water actor and I cannot understand why not

Hi @UnrealVistas,

The polygon should not be clipping the custom water body actor - there may be a way to make it do that, but I couldn’t advise on that topic. In 08_CesiumClipping, the water body is inset into the terrain, so the edges appear hidden on the banks where the terrain is higher. So if the terrain is very flat where you are trying to build, this approach may not work as well.


Navigation Meshes for dynamic cesium terrain

In a use case of building a 3D Waze-like navigation app I would really need the Cesium World Terrain to be a smooth, plain sphere (no hills and mountains). I was unable to find a tutorial on how to control the CWT heights globally.

As an example of the problem I am facing, there are lots of height-related anomalies / glitches around the world creating “psychedelic” visuals even in the unmodified official “Cesium For Unreal Samples” project:

I would love to use Cesium for my personal and commercial projects to enhance their 3D world with UE5 features, but right now the non-flat CWT is a major blocker, unfortunately.
If there is a possibility to control the CWT heights globally without changing the plugin’s source code any information on that would be greatly appreciated!


I want to get the latitude and longitude information of the mouse position in real time

It would be great if you could update some of the tutorials for UE5. Specifically, tutorials like Building Global Scenes with Georeferenced Sublevels – Cesium use deprecated features of Unreal (World Composition is deprecated).

Hi alallegos

I think for me it would be nice to see a deep dive on understanding altitudes/heights. A runtime example where you supply real world latitude, longitude and altitude values.

As an example, I have stored values in a data table for the location and altitude of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (real world googled values):

  • Latitude 48.858093
  • Longitude 2.294694
  • Altitude 984 feet

At runtime I need to place a static mesh at that location. What all do I need to take into consideration to get a FVector value that represents the correct cesium location so that I can place a static mesh at the base of the Eiffel Tower.

This is a real-world situation that I am struggling with right now. Different data and different use case, but same concept.

I can get the latitude and longitude values accurately in a cesium scene, but my heights are way off for some reason. I know that there are other things at play here like WSG Ellipsoid, etc, but it would be nice to have a solid understanding of that as well.

Runtime C++ How to clip parts of tileset with cartographic polygons.
There is the Unreal designtime tutorial, but it would awesome to take it to the next level… A situation where at runtime you add vectors to a spline to create a polygon and then wireup to be able to dynamically at runtime cut the hole in the terrain…

How to use Cesium for Unreal in offline environment.

I followed above tutorial about Cesium ion Self-Hosted, but just following this tutorial didnt make Cesium work in offline. I want to know what should i do “after” setting self-hosted server (by follwing above tutorial), since I have very weak knowledge in server.

I’d vote for a tutorial that teaches to reproduce the “cesiumContainer” example in the following link: https://sandcastle.cesium.com/


I want to be able to drop my models, fooliages, etc right on top of the google earth inside unreal engine. But curently my models dont show at all. What do I do ?

Hey Dan,

Have you been able to model on top of the cesium google map in unreal. I want to do the same but it seems. I can only drop in basic shapes and cannot drop any models. Or photoscans.

your “Build for Quest” tutorial is great. Do you have a workflow on how to run it on the Quest 3?

Thank you and best regards