What does this ("https://assets.cesium.com/1426095/0/0.pnts") URL used for?

Hello Team,
I have been looking into the Cesium3DTileset object.
I can spot the _url property, can be accessed through the following path on Tileset object.

Cesium3DTileset → (root) Cesium3DTile → (_contentResource) IonResource →
_url : “https://assets.cesium.com/1426095/0/0.pnts

I am curious about what this url returns when accessed, Does this url returns the Cesium CRS point of the point cloud ?
Also How can use this url to get points of point cloud ?

Thank you !!

I am curious about what this url returns when accessed…Also How can use this url to get points of point cloud ?

This returns an individual tile from the 3D tileset. For a crash course on the 3D Tiles format, I’d suggest reading through the 3D Tiles Reference Card.

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Hello @Gabby_Getz
Thank you for your reply as always !!