Example for 3D-Tiles pnts - Help - where are the points ?


I tried to use the Example/Testdata of the Tiles3D/points data set.

Could anyone give me some more information.

Which coordinatesystem do you use ?
  Box in tiles.json is

When I look at the points in points.pnts I see coordinates for x and y around 100 ?

I used the code of the web page

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
var tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
    url : '/path/to/3d/tileset'

Where are the points on the globe ?



Hi Rüdiger,

Have you read the 3D Tiles spec? The box is [west, south, east, north, min height, max height] where angles are in radians and heights are in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid. We are going to generalize this property soon, see #10. The point cloud points are stored using RTC relative to the tile’s center.

To keep up with the latest updates, subscribe to the roadmap issue.


Hi Patrick,

you did a great job with the 3D-Tiles. We can rendered about 3 Million Points no Problem !

But the points are displayed at the wrong positions !

I have points in a local 3D-System, also in a ECEF-System and in WGS-84 Coordinates - but we still fail in the transformation to RTC and the calculation of the bounding box !

Is there any documentation on rtc and the bounding box ?

I.E. we see that only the minimal height has influenece to the display ?



Hi Rüdiger,

I suggest that you keep an eye on pull requests into the Cesium 3d-tiles branch and into the 3d-tiles spec repo. This way you will see the sample data for point clouds when the tests are finalized and also the changes to the pnts tile format when that is finalized.
