We collect data with small planes and I want to visualize what we are doing with cesium. Though I am new to cesium, i properly can figure it out if I get a few good pointers on where to start and best practise.
I have internal storage of all our images taken in a log file with GPS positions and airplain speed/time of capturing the photo ect. Also roll,pitch,yaw ect.
What would be the best way to accomplishing the following:
Show the hole flight as a over time animation using the cesium time bar thing in the button. (Also what is the names of these controls i want to search for).
Then i want to move the airplane model according to flight log and every time a image is captured I would like to show its footprint on the ground(i have the geojson polygon of image ground footprint).
My question is, what format would I best/easiest create from my data to visualize this in cesium.
Better yet, if there exists a sample or something I can just modify that would be awesome. If not, i can write up a blog post on how I did it when I am done.
Check out CZML. It is a JSON schema for data-driven time-dynamic visualization just as you described. There are a few examples here. None of these show a 3D model, but Matt will know if we have any of those examples handy.
We welcome a blog post on this. Let us know what help you need along the way and we’ll also help spread the word about your post when it is ready.
Sorry to hijack this thread, but could you help me (and more than a few others) by showing how you have calculated your orientations ?
I have failed miserably trying to get my boats to do precisely what you have gotten your car doing, and I’m running out of hair to pull out of my head !
Thanks if you can help, and understand if you don’t have the time…
I let STK (Systems Tool Kit) do all the work for me. I have automated STK so that I read my [time, bearing, pitch, roll] data into STK and then use the power of STK to output the quaternions in the Earth Fixed frame. Once I have the quaternions I then use the czml-writer to write the czml file I have in my first post. I’m already a STK user so I found this to be the easiest way to convert my data into the quaternion format that cesium needs without having to do the math myself. I don’t know if my solution will help you much if you’re not an STK user but this is how I’m generating my model orientation.
I try to use the same CZML file as Kevin did, but instead of those data for "gltf" I have an address of the gltf file of one of those already existed 3D models in sandcastel, but it doesn't work. Do you know what is the problem?