WMS and WMTS services

How to use these two scripts to complete the loading of these two services, there is an online service address can be tested? How to fill out the fields in these two scripts

Hi @jh007,

Just want to clarify – are you asking for examples of WMS or WMTS datasets? You can check out this WMS example in Sandcastle, and the WMTS imagery in this Sandcastle (USGS Shaded Relief). They will load in Cesium for Unity with similar parameters.

If I’ve misunderstood your question, though, please let me know.

Thank you for your response. I’ve filled in some information from the two links you provided into these two scripts, but it didn’t take effect. The map resources couldn’t load. What could be the reason for this?

Hi @jh007,

I apologize for the confusion – it looks like that WMS dataset is no longer accessible. I’ll see if I can find another WMS example.

In the mean time, I’m not sure why the WMTS layer wouldn’t be working for you. I was able to make it display successfully like so:

Can you please confirm that:

  1. You have filled out the parameters the same way as they appear in this image.
  2. You have attached the imagery component to a Cesium3DTileset.

Thank you!

Thank you for your answer. The WMTS service has been tested successfully. I would appreciate it if you could provide the service address of the available WMS

I have set up a GeoServer service locally and published a WMTS imagery service. How should I fill in the CesiumWebMapTileServiceRasterOverlay script to successfully load the service?

Hi @jh007,

Thanks for your patience. We have a working WMS example now:

Base URL: https://services.ga.gov.au/gis/services/NM_Hydrology_and_Marine_Points/MapServer/WMSServer
Layer: Bores

You can see the data over Australia like so:

Regrading your WMTS, you just need to map the parameters of your WMTS service to those in Unity. I’m not sure I can advise because those really depend on your setup. From a glance it looks like that localhost URL is your Base URL, and you need to fill in the Style + Tile matrix Set ID + Format with the correct parameters.

Maybe other community members who have set up an WMTS service before can advise?