5.1 Play in "Standalone Game" Crashes & Build fails to Display Cesium Map

Hello, im having a few issues displaying the Cesium map in UE5.1.1
Play in Editor works fine and stream the Cesium tilesets
Standalone game crashes.
Build (Developer) doesn’t crash, but it also doesn’t display any Cesium tilesets.

This is the crash message when trying to play in Standalone Game

UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!ACesium3DTileset::PostLoad() [D:\cesium-unreal\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\Private\Cesium3DTileset.cpp:2094]

Grateful for any support, this was all working a few months ago, and now I’m not sure what’s happening

Hi @MortonPrice,

How recently did you build this standalone game? If your app was working a while ago, and suddenly stopped working now, then I might suggest checking out this issue:

We had an issue with renewed AWS certificates, where they were renewed with a different root trust certificate without our knowledge. This prevented 3D Tiles from streaming through Cesium ion, even for apps that were built a long time ago. It might be a different issue from the one that you’re experiencing, but I just wanted to share it just in case.

If the above doesn’t apply to you, then could you share some more information?

  • What datasets are you using? Cesium World Terrain and Bing Maps imagery? Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles? Something else?
  • In the Saved/Config/Windows folder of the game, can you locate or create an Engine.ini file, then paste this inside:

This should print a more detailed log about what’s going on in your application. Please share it with us afterwards so we can take a look.

Thank you!

Thank you @janine, I did look at the above thread,
I cleared the DNS, and deleted the cesium-request-cache.sqlite file.
I also checked the certificates to see if "Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2” was installed, which it was.
i have checked older builds, and even repackaged but the Cesium data (Google Tileset) is still missing.
also when playing in standalone game, it crashed and I get this message: UnrealEditor_CesiumRuntime!ACesium3DTileset::PostLoad() [D:\cesium-unreal\cesium-unreal\packages\CesiumForUnreal\HostProject\Plugins\CesiumForUnreal\Source\CesiumRuntime\Private\Cesium3DTileset.cpp:2094]

i have added the above to the Engine.ini, please see attached Log file.
Log File.zip (2.7 MB)

Please note i also created a new Blank 5.1.1 project, with only the Cesium plugin installed, added my ion details and added a new Google Tileset, and the exact same thing happens.

Grateful for any support as I’m desperate to get the app working again for users, Thank you

Can you please tell us what version of Cesium for Unreal you’re using? It should be displayed in the lower-right corner of the Cesium panel. If not, check Edit → Plugins.

HI Kevin, v2.2.0

Ok, that means you’re crashing on this line:

I believe you’re running into a bug that was fixed in v2.3.0:

  • Fixed a bug in CesiumActors that would cause the editor to crash when running in Standalone mode.

Can you upgrade?