About the Cesium for Unreal category

Questions, feedback, and feature requests. Discuss using geospatial data in UE and creating geospatial applications.

Hi, weā€™re waiting to start a project but were wondering when/if we will be able to sculpt the landscape? We need to add waterbodycustom actors to our scenes but need to be able to ā€˜dig the lakeā€™ a bit so it doesnā€™t flood the surrounding countryside.


That would be a game changer for us in the AEC field, that would eliminate so many barriers! A Very very welcome feature!

Exactly, i see we never got an answer to this, pity. We want to build a cut/fill application using cesium but we need to be able to dig.

indeed, my email is ben@theexcelexperts.co.uk, and weā€™re working with a major construction company on how best to digitize the whole construction effort from cut/fill through to pricingā€¦
Feeling a bit stuck at the moment, cesium is great but to fit it all under one roof we do need to edit atleast have access to the DEM directlyā€¦ Iā€™ve asked if we can export it even as a bmp or jpg or somethingā€¦


Does Cesium for Unreal support ā€œUrlTemplateImageryProviderā€ ( UrlTemplateImageryProvider - Cesium Documentation )?
If not, is this feature planned?

We are currently using several 3rd party sources of tiles in our app that are being accessed via the traditional ā€œhttps://ā€¦/{z}/{x}/{y}.pngā€ scheme, and using the same sources in our UE5 app (and avoiding relying solely on Bing Maps) would help greatly.

Hi @Dan,

We donā€™t yet have that imagery provider, and donā€™t have any short-term plans to add it. This would make an excellent community contribution if youā€™re up for it, though. Adding new RasterOverlay types to cesium-native and cesium-unreal is fairly straightforward, especially with a working implementation in CesiumJS that can be used as reference.


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Vector data formats like KML, SHP, GeoJSON, and CZML are not currently supported with Cesium for Unreal.Is there any plan to support loading vector data?

Hi, please add parameter where we can control cartographic polygon cutting depth. I am working as visualization specialist in architectural company. Visual quality is a key in my work. Google earth at some point / height are not pleasing for an eye. If I could cutout / mask out some GH geometry, mostly plants that would be great! Currently cerographic polygons are cutting out everything, and with some tall trees I have to cut out large amount of ground. With depth control, I could cut out only above terrain and still use GH ground.

We have an issue to implement more controlled exclusion of mesh geometry. Does this sound like it would also help your case?