After switched to Cesium b25, the Cesium Map doesn't shown


I have created a sample Cesium APP. It was ok with cesium b24 on both Chrome and FireFox last week.

Now I have two issues:

  1. My Chrome got updated to Version 33.0.1750.117 m recently. Then the Cesium Map doesn’t show on Chrome, but still ok on Firefox.

  2. Today I switched it to the new Cesium B25, now the map doesn’t show on both Chrome and Firefox.

Do you know why it is not working on Chrome? and whatelse I need to change besides the versions (see below code, now it’s use b25) when switch to vesrion B25?

Here’s my code:


3D MAP @import url(ThirdParty/Cesium-b25/Widgets/widgets.css); @import url(Source/css/map3Dv2.css);


function init() {

var url = ‘http://localhost:6060/geoserver/wms’;

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {
//Hide the base layer picker
baseLayerPicker : false,

imageryProvider : new Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider({
url : url,
layers : ‘mapdb’





I think Cesium B25 is not packaged correctly, the runtime is looking for files under Workers/Core/, such as Workers/Core/BoundingSphere.js, but there’s nor ‘Core’ directory under Workers directory at all. So, please fix this.

But I still don’t know why my sample app with version b24 doesn’t work with Chrome Version 33.0.1750.117 m.



b25 is not out yet, so I assume you are building from source? I just did a full build from source (using the command “ant minifyRelease”) and everything appears to work fine. Can you let me know the exact steps you took to build b25? Did you try running the included HelloWorld page?

I’m also seeing this on an older version of cesium b23/b24. No imagery providers seem to display anything on Chrome Version 33.0.1750.117 m but works fine on Firefox.

only in the 3d view. the imagery shows up in 2d and columbus view but disappears when going back to 3d.

Can you guys try in Incognito mode, it may be a cache issue. The website is running using b24 and works fine for me on that version of Chrome (and everywhere else).

I changed our website deployment process to unpack Sandcastle from old releases to help investigate. Matt is incorrect about the version hosted on the website. b25 was released at the start of February and is the version deployed on the main website.

When running the b24 version from here:

I see the same problem with no imagery. In actuality, it isn’t a problem with imagery, but rather tile culling. This problem was fixed in and was released as part of b25. The root cause of the problem was that the latest version of Chrome changed the results of certain floating point operations, causing numbers that were previously very close to zero to become actual zeroes, causing errors in later calculations.

Thanks a lot for this replies.

I didn’t re-build the b25, I downloaded the zip release package. So do you have a new zip package with the fixes to download?



The b25 release zip is correct. I tested out your code and it ran correctly, though of course I can’t access your GeoServer at ‘http://localhost:6060/geoserver/wms’.

Make sure you’ve extracted the entire contents of the Cesium directory in into your ThirdParty/Cesium-b25 directory.

If you downloaded, the equivalent directory in that zip is Build/Cesium.

Hi Scott:

I downloaded, and copied Build/Cesium to my ThirdParty/Cesium-b25. And I replace it again just now after read you reply. I still don’t see the map, and here’s error:

17:22:37.518 GET http://localhost:8080/ohs3D/ThirdParty/Cesium-b25/Workers/taskDispatcher.js [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2ms]
17:22:37.578 GET http://localhost:8080/ohs3D/ThirdParty/Cesium-b25/Workers/Core/BoundingSphere.js [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 1ms]
17:22:37.579 GET http://localhost:8080/ohs3D/ThirdParty/Cesium-b25/Workers/createPolygonGeometry.js

Thanks a lot


It looks like you’ve got the wrong files in the ThirdParty/Cesium-b25/Workers/ directory. Make sure you use the files from Build/Cesium/Workers in the zip file.

I compared my Workers folder and the one in, they are exactly the same. They both do not have ‘core’ sub-folder. Too bad, I could not attach a screenshot image to the post because our security system don’t allow me to attach a file to the post.

