1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.
Can’t load sandcastle
The following errors are ocurring in my web console:
2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.
dojo.js:1879 Error: scriptError
at makeError (dojo.js:106)
at HTMLScriptElement. (dojo.js:1714)
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:1879
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:362
forEach @ dojo.js:93
req.signal @ dojo.js:361
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:1714
error (async)
domOn @ dojo.js:1663
req.injectUrl @ dojo.js:1711
injectModule @ dojo.js:1546
forEach @ dojo.js:93
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:758
guardCheckComplete @ dojo.js:1277
injectDependencies @ dojo.js:757
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:1621
forEach @ dojo.js:93
runDefQ @ dojo.js:1620
onLoadCallback @ dojo.js:1437
onLoad @ dojo.js:1707
load (async)
domOn @ dojo.js:1663
req.injectUrl @ dojo.js:1710
injectModule @ dojo.js:1546
forEach @ dojo.js:93
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:758
guardCheckComplete @ dojo.js:1277
injectDependencies @ dojo.js:757
contextRequire @ dojo.js:821
req @ dojo.js:124
(anonymous) @ CesiumSandcastle.js:4
dojo.js:1882 src: dojoLoader
dojo.js:1882 info: (2) ["…/…/Source/Core/getTimestamp.js", Event]
dojo.js:1884 .
3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.
Sandcastle is a great tool which is great for prototyping.
4. The Cesium version you’re using, your operating system and browser.
Windows 7 Chrome 69.0.*