Bathemtry Tiles in Unreal


I am having trouble loading in bathymetry tiles into unreal. I think the tiles themselves are correct, but all the tiles load in completely white. Is this a material issue, and how can I fix this?

Also I have both the bathymetry and the Cesium World tiles loaded as having the coast is a nice visualization. Is there a way to only get the underwater bathymetry part of the bathymetry tiles, and not the parts that go onto land.

Currently, the tiles are completely white as they don’t have a raster overlay. If you’ll look on your Cesium World Terrain tiles, there’s probably a CesiumIonRasterOverlay attached which layers satellite imagery over the terrain, which is itself blank and textureless. You can attach a new overlay to the Bathymetry dataset to give it a texture by adding a new component. You can add a Cesium Ion Raster Overlay and specify an asset ID, or you can add a Tile Map Service, Web Map Service, or Web Map Tile Service overlay to use an external source.

For example, you can add a CesiumWebMapServiceRasterOverlay and set the Base Url field to and the Layers field to GEBCO_Latest which will overlay the GEBCO shaded relief imagery over Cesium World Bathymetry.