Can CLAMP_TO_GROUND be set from with in KML?

We are using kml for some area graphics, and we would really like to use the CLAMP_TO_GROUND heightReference. Is it possible to set a property within the kml to set the heightReference?


Hi Scott,

We recently added a clampToGround option to KmlDataSource. See the documentation:



Awesome, thanks!

I’m getting an error(attached) when loading the following kml file with clampToGround set. One issue is that we have a lot of different drawing modes( point, line, area ) that are generated in kml by a separate application. The graphic in this instance is a line, and I didn’t think clampToGround worked for lines. In the kml file, I see that we are specifying clampToGround as well. Are there any suggestions on how to fix this problem. We really want to use clampToGround for the area graphics, and when we currently load an kml file we don’t know anything about the contents of the file.



0_1475091435.kml (1.93 KB)

Hi Scott,

I think you might be experiencing this bug:

I’ve linked to this forum post and attached the KML file to that issue so we can look into it.

