i have an idea for a RTS videogame with Cesium for Unreal, but i can’t understand if it is possible to make, i have a few issues:
-do I need to ask for a license to google maps to distribute the game? where and how i can do it?
-can i sell the game or only free to play? (i read something about commercial/non commercial products but i don’t know)
-for whoever installs the game will be free to play it (excluding potential costs imposed by me)? if not how much would it cost them?
I saw a video on youtube of “Nenko” in which he says he had to ask for a license to google maps and should cost 0.10 euros per hour of play. (google API) but the process is not clear to me
sorry if I asked more questions about google map’s stuff but I don’t know where else to ask.
thank you very much in advance for your time.