Can I make a videogame with Cesium for Unreal?

i have an idea for a RTS videogame with Cesium for Unreal, but i can’t understand if it is possible to make, i have a few issues:
-do I need to ask for a license to google maps to distribute the game? where and how i can do it?
-can i sell the game or only free to play? (i read something about commercial/non commercial products but i don’t know)
-for whoever installs the game will be free to play it (excluding potential costs imposed by me)? if not how much would it cost them?

I saw a video on youtube of “Nenko” in which he says he had to ask for a license to google maps and should cost 0.10 euros per hour of play. (google API) but the process is not clear to me

sorry if I asked more questions about google map’s stuff but I don’t know where else to ask.
thank you very much in advance for your time.


Sounds like fun!

You can access Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles directly through their API or through your Cesium ion SaaS account. You can read about the pricing for the Google API here. You can use a Cesium ion Community account if you do not charge for your game.

I suggest you review the Google Map Tiles API Policies and the Cesium ion Terms of Service. These documents explain distribution terms for Google and for Cesium. Note that it is not permitted to copy Google’s data for distribution; the game must stream the data from Google’s API or through Cesium ion.

Good luck,