Cannot load 3DTiles in ios

I followed the tutorial and successfully loaded 3DTiles into the scene, which looked fine on PC, and then I published it to ios. TileSet Source is set to the From a Url, the Url is set to “file://” + Application. DataPath + “/ Raw/TileSet/simple/TileSet. Json”. But it didn’t load. Error message is as follows: [error] [TilesetContentManager CPP: 997] the An unexpected error occurs when loading tiles: Unknown exception

Unity : 2022.3.13f1c1
Cesium for Unity : com.cesium.unity-1.10.1

Does your iOS application have the necessary permissions to access the Internet? Theoretically that shouldn’t be needed for a file URL, but because Cesium for Unity is still loading the file as a URL, it’s possible that the extra permission is required. It’s worth a try, at least.

The other thing worth checking is that the fully-resolved URL is valid and that the referenced files exist on the device (and are accessible by the application according to the iOS security model).

I’m not quite sure what’s going wrong, but hopefully these troubleshooting steps will help to close in on it.