cesium 3d tiles

1. A concise explanation of the problem you're experiencing.

I have a LIDAR point cloud data which is approximately 40 million points. I can show this data but have performance problem. Although I reduced the point density, it is too busy and slow. How can I solve this problem without reducing the number of dots? I want to show the whole original data.

2. A minimal code example. If you've found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.

3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.

I want to show the whole original data and object details.

4. The Cesium version you're using, your operating system and browser.

I use last version of Cesium, Windows 10, Google Chrome

Hi there,

[Cesium3DTileset.maximumScreenSpaceError](https://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Build/Documentation/Cesium3DTileset.html#maximumScreenSpaceError) determines what level of detail to load based on a tile size relative to the size of the display. The value may need to be tweaked to achieve the right balance of performance and visual quality. Set this value to a higher number to improve performance. The default is 16.



Hi Gabby,

I have some follow-up questions about this “maximumScreenSpaceError” property. What exactly does the level of details mean? How is the value used in rendering the tileset? Let’s say I have a 3DTileset of a city. Does having a higher number result in fewer features being loaded?

What we are trying to do is to optimize the loading time of the 3DTiles. One way to do so is to have different 3DTilesets of the same city with different levels of details, and depending on the zoom level we switch between them. We are not sure if this will instead create too much loading/unloading overhead, and were wondering if the “maximumScreenSpaceError” property could be doing just that on the same 3DTileset.



Hi Victor,

So “level of detail” means that, depending on the current view, only the tiles that are visible and have sufficiently detailed models are loaded and rendered. Anything lower detail would look bad visually, and anything higher will perform poorly.

“maximumScreenSpaceError” determines the threshold for how many pixels on the screen a tile should take up before it is replaced with more detailed tiles. So having a higher number will load in new tiles less aggressively. This doesn’t necessarily mean that less building will be rendered, just that the tiles will be lower detail.

3D Tiles already has the functionality you describe above built in. There should be no need to swap out tilesets! Take a look at our Intro to 3D Tiles blog post, and also the 3D Tiles Specification for a more in-depth look.

