Cesium Carthographic Polygon Tile Problem

Hello, I use cesium carthographic polygon to edit tileset material. I have made the material according to this tutorial. It works fine, but as you move around, zoom in or out, the map material changes and repeats itself, even though I changed the settings of the texture I use to clamp from wrap but the tiling keeps happening.

Here is the material layer blend blueprint:

I want the texture to be 1:1 size in the map, and I do not want the texture to tile and repeat. I want it to stay the same even if you zoom in or out. I would really appreciate it if you could help. (The image below is an example of what I want it to look like.)

Hi @asude.g,

Welcome to the community! In the tutorial you linked, the Frequently Asked Questions has a section texture sizing and repetition. Check out the answer under How do I apply a texture to a tileset?

If you’re still experiencing problems, let us know and we’ll follow-up.

I tried this:

But this is for simple images; I use TextureSample, not TextureObject. Is there any way that I can do the same with TextureSample? Thank you for your time.