Cesium Completely Offline Mode


How could we do Cesium offline? Below two links related to this topic exists but they are not complete. If someone wants to do full world map offline CesiumJS app that’s offline, could they do that and how? We could assume like developer will figure out where to store the data etc, but of course I do not know how to get the data for free.

There is



Clipping is a useful feature but we are interested in entire globe not a part of it.

There are many Cesium guru’s out there, I am sure we could get to the bottom of is this possible or not, and if so what’s best approach.

Additionally, can Cesium access maptiles itself without needing to spin off a nodejs server that requests maptiles like /api/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y} constanly in the background, can I setup file/folder structure locally for cesium to find/locate images of map areas itself?

Also, is it possible to do this in 3D. Currently Cesium works 3D with internet connection, I want local offline mode Cesium with no internet connection that behaves identically to the Cesium that connects online, is this possible?