How to use Cesium World Terrain in offline

In my project, I need to use Cesium World Terrain and Buildings in an offline environment.

I followed above tutorial, but just changing server in unreal engine editor doesnt seem to make Cesium work in offline.

I want to know what should I do exactly after following above tutorial to make it work in offline.

Since I’m very new to Server or Network field, I would appreciate it if anyone could explain it in detail. Thanks.

What did you change it to? Does that server have the necessary data on it?

In order to use Cesium World Terrain offline, you need to actually have that data offline. We license it for offline use (not sure if you’ve done that?), so that’s possible, but it’s very large - several terabytes. If you’re also trying to use Bing Maps offline on top of CWT, then unfortunately that is impossible. Bing Maps is measured in the petabytes and is not available for offline use.

I can’t quite tell from your question if you’ve licensed the necessary products and data, and just need help configuring everything to work together, or if you’re starting from scratch.

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I’m starting from scratch and don’t have any license.

I am an Unreal Engine developer and since this is my first time using Cesium, I thought that following the tutorial would make Cesium available offline based on the keyword “Self-Hosted”. (Please understand that my though could be wrong cause I have little knowledge in network field.)

I want to know
(1) If I have a valid license & follow above tutorial(Using Cesium ion Self-Hosted), can I get Cesium work in offline? Supposing that I have downloaded the data needed by license.

(2) How can I get license? Is it from the the link below?

If it’s right, what plan should I choose to achieve my goal(Running Cesium in a closed network)?

That tutorial shows how to connect to a Cesium ion Self-Hosted Server from within Cesium for Unreal. But before it makes sense to do that step, you have to actually have a Cesium ion Self-Hosted server to connect to. This page describes that product, and there’s a Contact Sales link at the top if you’d like to discuss pricing or a trial.

In general, if you’re bringing your own data (for example, if you already have a photogrammetry model for the area you care about), you can load it into Cesium ion Self-Hosted and use it on a private network no problem. If you want to use data provided directly by Cesium, such as Cesium World Terrain, Cesium OSM Buildings, or Sentinel-2 imagery, these can also be licensed from us for offline use. Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles and Bing Maps Aerial imagery currently can not be used offline. We hope to make it possible to use these datasets offline in the future, but there are both technical and legal challenges to that and I don’t have a timeframe for it.

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by following step

  1. download the same region’s images(for cover the terrain like landscape material) and DEM(for world terrain ) data .

  2. slice images by the level you download,try to ensure your images level close DEM Data level

  3. Use some tools to slice images and DEMs ,my tool is QGis,after slice you will get some folders named by numbers and slice image you will additionally get a json and a xml file ,dem 2 json files .Notice , slice images choose TMS cast and Hash storage type, Dem choose VCG and Hash storeage type

  4. Publishing service. i use node.js to publish image service and dem service.Download Node.js and install correctly . After successful install node.js, run “npm install --global serve” in powershell,wating for it install successfully. when everything is ready , go to your image slices folder and dem slices folder , run “serve -C” in powershell in this folder path.

  5. Go to Unreal Worldoutline ,find your Cesium3DTileset properties details “souce” choose “from URL” and copy your dem URL gernerated by Node(it looks like YourIPaddress/layer.json) ,after do this ,you will get a “White” Terrain.

  6. Go to Unreal Worldoutline ,find your Cesium3DTileset , adding a component named " Cesium Tile Map Service Raster Overlay",and in this component details pannel ,copy images URL (it looks like YourIPaddress/tilemapresource.xml) to URL,now you will see both image and terrain. If not ,try to rotate and move your view in UE editor

At last , offline use need : image and DEM slices file Service URL ,Terrain URL Copy to Cesium3DTileSet source,Image URL copy to CesiumRasterOverpay source.