Does Cesium for Unreal Work Offline?

If I load an area with the Cesium for Unreal plugin, am I required to have an internet connection for this area to always load? Or can I use this area offline as well?


Hi @Teriander,

If you have your own data, you can load these files offline with the Cesium for Unreal plugin either by loading from disk or hosting a local server. To load from disk, you can see a tutorial here - Adding Datasets – Cesium

Currently, there’s no way to save Cesium terrain offline.


Has there been any progress with this? I have a project I would love to use this with, but my end user won’t have internet connection.

Yes, there has been progress on a number of fronts:

  1. Cesium for Unreal now supports file:/// URLs on all platforms.
  2. Cesium ion now allows tilesets to be downloaded for offline use.
  3. A self-hosted version of Cesium ion is now available for use on closed networks.
  4. Cesium-provided datasets, such as Cesium World Terrain, may be licensed for offline use.

It’s still not feasible to use petabyte-sized datasets like Bing Maps or Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles offline, though.

If you’re interested in (3) or (4), contact our sales team:

How can I download a tile for offline use and editing, such as separating the mesh of the building in order to assign the custom depth?

Hi @Shon1777,

Downloading individual tiles is not possible in the plugin. And doing this violates many data providers’ terms of use, including Bing Maps, Google, and Cesium’s.

Cesium provides the option to license select datasets for offline use: Cesium World Terrain, Sentinel-2 Imagery, and Cesium OSM Buildings. If you’re using other data providers, you will need to contact them about their own offline options.

Hi Janine, where can I find out more about this (e.g. pricing)? Cesium World Terrain – Cesium mentions offline use as forbidden in its terms of use, but no licensing option.

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Hi @TobiasW ,

There’s a FAQ related to pricing (licensing, support) here…
(Pricing Plans – Cesium)

You can always send an inquiry to Sales too. They’d probably have the best solution to your specific needs.

I don’t think the FAQ mentions licensing for offline use at all?

Hi @TobiasW,

I’m sorry about the incorrect resource. That page lists the plans for typical Cesium ion usage, but not for offline data use or self-hosted Cesium ion.

For up-to-date pricing or other info specific to your needs, you can reach out to our sales team and they’d be happy to provide more details. You’re welcome to use this contact form or reach out directly to Thank you for your interest and your patience!