I am using Cesium with UE4. I already have Cesium World Terrain with Bing street maps and fotogrametry layers set up. It works nicely. However, I would like to add “waypoints” - city & places markers that are available here (esri): https://tiledbasemaps.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Reference/World_Boundaries_and_Places/MapServer
I am just wondering if this is even possible with Cesium for UE4 - by e.g. adding a blank Cesium 3D Tileset to my level and setting up the URL?
Also if this can indeed be done - how to authenticate with ESRI? I have an ESRI account and authentication token, just don’t know where to enter it.
I tried just setting the URL to the one I pasted above and in the logs I see this:
I also am trying to incorporate an ArcGIS layer into Cesium for Unreal via ArcGIS REST Services. I see that for the Cesium Terrain Bing Maps Imagery layer, there is a Bing Maps component attached to the Cesium World Terrain instance
This post and related pull request seem to show that this functionality is in the repo waiting for review. Cesium, any chance we can get some action on this?
Otherwise, the approach may be to pull the repo ourselves and merge/troubleshoot/add this functionality individually. The CesiumBingMapsRasterOverlay files in the Cesium for Unreal plugin source can be a reference.
You can add overlays to a blank Tileset by using the “Add Component” button above the component list. But you’re right that there’s no support for ArcGIS MapServers yet. The PR you linked is a really good start on that, we just need to finish it. It will allow the use of MapServers by draping their map images over the terrain (or other tileset). Using other types of Esri services, and visualizing them as e.g. Actors instead of images draped on terrain, is a separate and probably larger piece of work.