After Packaging , Install on my pad,And Crash, Here is log ,Seems to be like about the Plugin “SunPosition”?
Log file open, 08/21/24 17:03:42
LogInit: Display: Running engine for game: Cesium27Test
LogTrace: Initializing trace…
LogTrace: Finished trace initialization.
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : platform=“Android”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : config=“Development”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : buildversion=“++UE5+Release-5.3-CL-29314046”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : engineversion=“5.3.2-29314046+++UE5+Release-5.3”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : os=“Android 12”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : cpu=“HUAWEI|MRX-AL09|kirin”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : pgoenabled=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : pgoprofilingenabled=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : ltoenabled=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : asan=“0”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : commandline=“” -project=“…/…/…/Cesium27Test/Cesium27Test.uproject”“”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : loginid=“9EAFAFBCD67A414EBC157F35C7D06304”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : deviceid=“1f0dec59c5c2565a”
LogCsvProfiler: Display: Metadata set : llm=“0”
LogInit: Display: Project file not found: …/…/…/Cesium27Test/Cesium27Test.uproject
LogInit: Display: Attempting to find via project info helper.
LogUProjectInfo: Found projects:
LogTemp: 8 cores and 8 assignable cores
LogPakFile: Initializing PakPlatformFile
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file Cesium27Test/Content/Paks/Cesium27Test-Android_ASTC.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file Cesium27Test/Content/Paks/Cesium27Test-Android_ASTC.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file ‘Cesium27Test/Content/Paks/Cesium27Test-Android_ASTC.pak’, mount point: ‘…/…/…/’
LogStats: Stats thread started at 7.841202
LogAssetRegistry: Premade AssetRegistry loaded from ‘…/…/…/Cesium27Test/AssetRegistry.bin’
LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: +8:00, Platform Override: ‘’
LogAndroid: Mobile HDR: YES
LogAndroidWindowUtils: Setting Width=1152 and Height=720 (requested scale = 1.000000)
LogAndroid: ***** Cached WindowRect 1152, 720 (0)
LogAndroid: FAndroidGPUInfo renaming GPUFamily: Mali-G76 → Mali-G76 MP19
LogInit: Session CrashGUID >====================================================
Session CrashGUID > UECC-Android-AEAF2421B58D407790A7562070F358F8
Session CrashGUID >====================================================
LogAndroid: Vulkan library detected, checking for available driver
LogAndroid: VulkanRHI is available, Vulkan capable device detected.
LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin ‘SunPosition’. Aborting.
LogAndroid: Error: === Critical error: ===
LogAndroid: Error:
LogAndroid: Error: Assertion failed: false [File:./Runtime/Launch/Private/Android/LaunchAndroid.cpp] [Line: 554]
LogAndroid: Error: Engine Preinit Failed
LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007878106588!android_main()
LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x000000787812EF5C
LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007997B4BE74
LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x0000007997AEB7F4
LogAndroid: Error:
LogAndroid: Error:
LogAndroid: Error:
LogAndroid: Error:
LogAndroid: FAndroidMisc::RequestExit(1, FAndroidErrorOutputDevice::Serialize.!GIsGuarded)
Hi @melodyhmm12, welcome to the community!
It’s hard to say what’s happening there, as the call stack doesn’t have debug symbols, so it has very little useful information.
Do you see the same problem when running the Cesium for Unreal Samples project? Or only your own project?
If it is indeed a problem with the SunPosition plugin on your device, then that needs to be reported to Epic as they are the developers of that plugin.
Thanks, the main question is " my ceisum for unreal project packages success but runs failed when packaging for Android or Linux , app will crash immediately" so i modify cesium for unreal 's source code to delete sunposion’s part ,so it can run success,but the global display,and any cesium data dont show … so i want to know, the plugin can run on Android or Linux? or i have other mistake in packaging settings?
Yes, the plugin runs on both Android (ARM64 only) and Linux (x86-64 only).