Cesium Google 3D Tiles only seen in left eye

Hi, I am currently developing a research project with the Cesium Plugin and the Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles. I got it set up, however, when running the app on my Quest 2 I only see the tiles in the left eye. Online I have found sources saying this is a shader issue. If I apply a different Opaque material to the renderer (for example a white material with the shader fix included), I do see it in both eyes. However, this shader fix is code based, and I have noticed that the cesiumdefault shaders are graph based. Do you know what is going on? Thanks in advance

Hi @Fannollost, welcome to the community!

We have a known issue with rendering in Vulkan on the Quest 2, but it seems like your issue is a bit different. Could you share the shader fix you used to make the material work? That may give us insight into the true culprit of the problem.

Thank you for the report!

i had this issue with the hololens 2 using the built-in render pipeline and i had to make my own shaders.
Are you using built-in or URP?

same here only left eye works, on Hololens 2, using deployment from Unity3D including 3D Tiles layer from https://storage.googleapis.com/ahp-research/projects/ivinfra/brug_utrecht_b3dm/tileset.json (just white glTF’s). Any suggestion how to fix?

Yes I’ve fixed it by rewriting the cesium shader for legacy unity built-in rendering pipeline.
There is a known restriction in Unity, if you use shadergraph shaders with URP Unity does the work for Single pass instancing; but if you use shadergraph shaders with built in rendering pipeline it does not, and there is no way to add it.

I’d like to do a PR to push this fix, but i’m currently blocked by legal issues on my company’s side


ok maybe someone from Cesium Unity team can look at this, it’s quite a show stopper :frowning:

Yes, we are dealing with this issue as well. Unfortunately we can’t convert our project to URP for other reasons. If user raggnic above can write the built in shader seems like Cesium team should be able to add it? Thanks.