Cesium sensor plugin for cesium1.21

Hi all,

I have used Cesium sensor plugin in one of my project that uses cesium1.6.
Now i'm planning to move to Cesium 1.2.1 but it seems current plugin is not compatible with the latest version of Cesium.

I checked its github page but there is no update regarding this and the last commit dates back to Feb 14, 2015.

do we get CesiumSensor plugin update ? How can i resolve this issue? Please help ?

- Neelesh.

you should see https://github.com/jlouns/cesium-sensor-volumes

Thanks this will solve the problem.
Just one issue page https://github.com/jlouns/cesium-sensor-volumes says that minified and unminified versions of the plugin are in the dist directory but there is no dist directory.

So is the link broken ? or am i missing something ?


Also please suggest some alternative for GeoserverTerrainProvider plugin also.


I don’t understand your request about GeoserverTerrainProvider
plugin . What do you want exactly?

I’m the author of GeoserverTerrainProvider. I just tested the plugin
with the latest release of Cesium and it works.

If the release of Cesium makes a breaking update of terrainProvider

interface, I’ll check and eventually update

Anyway, if you have an issue with a plugin, you should make an issue

on the github repository (for sensor and for
GeoserverTerrainProvider). With this action, the author of the
repository is informed of your issue.

Hi Neelesh, have you managed to find the builded version of cesium-sensor-volumes?

marți, 17 mai 2016, 10:18:59 UTC+3, Neelesh Nirmal a scris: