Cesium with VR project

If I create a game project i can download 3d tileset from google maps, but if I create a VR project, following the same procedure, the tileset are displayed as blank:

I can click on tiles, but they’re blank.
PS: even when i add the Cesium Sky, i don’t get the blue sky, i get a black screen…


Hi @barsigor,

Sorry that you’re having trouble with the plugin. Can you walk us through the steps of how you created this project? This way, we can reproduce your actions exactly, and we’ll be able to troubleshoot from there.


  1. Create a VR project with unreal
  2. add cesium plugin
  3. restart unreal
  4. login in my cesium account
  5. add an empy level
  6. add cesium sunsky (it works, but i don’t get the usual blue sky…)
  7. add cesium tileset
  8. configure the source as URL
  9. i put the url with my API key in url field (it works, is the same i use in a normal project)

The url is correct, if i use it in another project (not VR) i get the correct maps tiles.


Hi @barsigor,

Can you confirm the version of Unreal Engine you are using? Also when you say that you “created a VR project” with unreal can you expand on that? (Did you select the virtual reality template?, Are you targeting android or non-standalone, c++ or blueprint configuration, target platform as dekstop or mobile, etc).

Hi @barsigor,

I am also very interested in creating a VR application with Cesium for Unreal. So please keep us up to date here on how the basic creation of the application is going :smiley:

How is data access solved in Unreal?
Which VR glasses are you planning to use?

Hi @Ben
I use Unreal Engine 5.3.2, i create a project from GAMES → VIRTUAL REALITY (Game virtual reality blueprint template).
When the project start the target platform is windows, but is the same for the standard project where cesium tileset from google maps works.


Hi @L_N
I use the Oculus Quest 3, if for data access you mean the access from cesium plugin to google maps api I setup an API KEY in google maps dashboard, then i use as source the URL provided in Cesium docs.


I have exactly the same issue when using the 5.3.2 VR Template.

Edit - I feel like Epic have messed up that template some how, maybe to do with the GeoReference plugins.

I think if you create a new blank project and get Cesium working, then just migrate the VR template stuff into that project it should work. I am just trying that now and so far it seems ok so far.

I’ve the same problem with different templates, seems that the CesiumSunSky object is too bright, i can see tiles under the light, there’s a way to dimmer the light source ?

Yes, it’s possible to reduce the brightness of the CesiumSunSky. See here: