I was curious to know how well the COLLADA to glTF converter works, and if there is any chance of data loss is it advisable to use kml format?
Can anyone share information about integrating hadoop with cesium.js? I am starting out on both and would appreciate if someone can throw some light on it. The main purpose of my using Cesium is the visualization of big data over 3D city models(cityGML).
Hi Deepanjana,
I was curious to know how well the COLLADA to glTF converter works
Try it with your models and see it. It works well, but we do no into issues with invalid COLLADA files that were exported from various packages. If you run into an issue, see the Troubleshooting Guide at the bottom of the tutorial.
if there is any chance of data loss is it advisable to use kml format?
If you are drawing a true 3D model, use glTF. If you are drawing geospatial polygons/polylines/points/etc., use CZML, KML, or GeoJSON.
Thank you for your response. I should have been more specific in my query, we want to visualize cityGML format city models which going through The 3DCityDB exporter will get converted.. and we can choose to have KML or COLLADA.
I am not familiar with 3DCityDB, but I would try both to see which export option is more robust. COLLADA/glTF is likely to perform better in Cesium.