Hello all,
I am running into a problem that I can't seem to find documentation on. I am trying to center the view around Australia (using the latitude and longitude of Sydney as a basis [-33.865143, 151.209900]).
When I enter those coordinates into
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
position : new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-33.865143, 151.209900, 1550.0)
the view centers around North America, barely any difference from the normal view that pops up in the "Hello World" example..
I even added a simple console.log at the end to check if all the code was being run and it was.
I suspect that the coordinate system for cesium is vastly different from the real world and I am not sure how to fix that...
Any help would be great.
I also tried the Cartographic way:
positionCartographic : new Cesium.Cartographic(-33.865143, 151.209900, 1550.0)
That produced a similar result as the first one.