Creating bridges for Cesium generated cities?

I found out that bridges are missing from Cesium generated cities. I tried to create a bridge within Unreal Editor but I think that Unreal Editor doesn’t have mesh editing tools. How can I create bridges? I’m creating a driving game using the sedan (actually convertible).


While Unreal Editor doesn’t really have proper mesh editing tools, if you need to create a mesh to act as a bridge I can recommend Unreal’s Geometry Brushes. They will allow you to build basic meshes in editor.

Cesium for Unreal does not currently have functionality for creating bridges. Your best bet is to import a 3D model created in a proper 3D modeling program. If you’re looking for a specific bridge or a specific type of bridge, you may be able to find an existing model of that bridge available for purchase or download online.

Thanks for using Cesium for Unreal!